yippee today I got to play with my doggy pals down at the park. Mama J took me off my lead and let me run around. I made sure I was well behaved and I did'nt try and eat anyone. Although there was a little white furry dog that Mama J would'nt let me go near, I only wanted to play besides I was'nt hungry. It was a great afternoon and Mama J was very happy with my behaviour. Anyway I don't have much else to say except that I have settled in quite nicely here even Papa E loves me and wants me to stay. I will leave you some photos that Mama J took while we were down at the park and with Big Bro A

You sound like you are settling in very well to your new family Miss Rae. You do seem to be getting very attached to Mama J though, you do know you will have to move on to another family soon don't you!!!
Well Miss Rae, I think you have reached celebrity status now with your own website and all! Just get Mama J to take a great head and shoulders shot so you can start sending them out to fans and agents!!
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