Finally Mama J (my foster mum) has set up a website for me. Hi my name is Rae and I am a 4 and a half year old greyhound. I use to be a racing greyhound and after I finished racing my owners put me in the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP). I am staying with a nice family while waiting for a new home. There are 3 people who live in my human house, Mama J, Papa E and Big Bro A. They are really really nice people and give me lots of cuddles. The most annoying thing they keep doing to me is trying to get me to play and all I want to do is sleep. Mama J keeps running after me with her camera when I get a chance I am going to find that camera and bury it. I arrived here on Friday night and I was really frightened I did not know where I was and who these people were. Mama J had made me a nice big bed and gave me my own blankets and toys. I like Big Bro A (he smells like dirt) and I really like Papa E (when he comes home from work he smells like a big juicy steak yum yum) Mama J made me a new pink coat that I get to wear at night instead of my boring old blue one . On Sunday afternoon weI went for a walk to the park. Mama J was a bit worried as she did not know what I would do when I met other dogs. Me, I was not really worried all I wanted to do was go back to bed. When we walked past the doggy play area some of the dogs started to bark at me I just ignored them. Mama J said they were just jealous because I had a pretty pink coat on. We walked past the duck pond and Papa E started to feed the ducks I was too busy looking around the park that I did not notice the ducks until Papa E got my attention WOW they looked really really nice I reallly wanted to go and play with them but Mama J nearly had a heart attack when I tried to squeeze through the railings she decided it was time for us to move on. On our way back home (finally) we walked past these 2 little annoying yapping dogs that kept barking at me. I'd had enough of being barked at so I told them how rude they where. Mama J nearly had another heart attack as she had not heard me bark yet. I felt really bad for scaring her. At last we got home and I could finally lay down. I had some dinner then curled up on my bed and went to sleep. I would love to continue telling my tales but Mama J is looking at me tapping her foot I think she wants her computer back, besides I think I might go to bed I will catch up with you tomorrow if Mama J lets me use the computer. anyway I will leave you with some photos that Mama J took. xx Rae
Wow Miss Rae you certainly sound like you have come to a very good home. Please don't bury Mama J's camera because then we won't get too see photos of you anymore. By the way you sure do sleep alot.
My name is Grace I am a retired Racing Greyhound. My owners wanted me to have a happy life after I finished racing so that put me with the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) My Racing name was Black Emma and my Kennel name use to be Rae but a couple of days after I was fostered my foster parents decided to adopt me and changed my name. I also live with my adoptive sister Milly
Wow Rae, your new home looks really really nice, and i love your new pink coat, but just one thing, do you stand up very much?
Wow Miss Rae you certainly sound like you have come to a very good home. Please don't bury Mama J's camera because then we won't get too see photos of you anymore. By the way you sure do sleep alot.
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