Hello sorry I have not been around much last week but I am a busy busy dog with places to go and people to see. On Saturday Mama J took me to the beach WOW what an exciting time that was unfortunately she would not let me off my lead which was a bit of a bummer as I so wanted to play with the other dogs. But we did go for a walk along the beach and I even got wet alittle bit it was such a beautiful day I can't wait till we go back again. On the way home Mama J took me for a bath it was nice and warm and after my bath the lady even sprayed some doggy perfume on me hmmmmm Mama J said I smelled so lovely. I think Mama J has a bit of a problem because that is all she does is sniff me she says I smell soooo good and she keeps cuddling me. After we got home I could'nt wait till I could roll in the grass and would'nt you know it Mama J got out the damn camera again she has done nothing except take photos of me alllllll day. I must admit I don't blame her I AM a good looking dog BOL. Mama J has some photos she said I could put on my website so I hope you enjoy them.
My name is Grace I am a retired Racing Greyhound. My owners wanted me to have a happy life after I finished racing so that put me with the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) My Racing name was Black Emma and my Kennel name use to be Rae but a couple of days after I was fostered my foster parents decided to adopt me and changed my name. I also live with my adoptive sister Milly
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