Monday, August 10, 2009

EKKA Promotion

Well today was a big day for Mama J and myself. We went to the EKKA and helped promote the Greyhound Adoption Program. It was a busy busy day but a lot of fun.
Hey Grace hehehe tell them hehe haaahhhaaa what heeehhhhee you did in the arena hahahahah.
come on its your turn for disGRACE
No No NO
Okay I will tell them
Grace and some of the other greys got a chance to show off in the main arena at the dog pavillion while Kirsty was talking about the program and when the dogs where doing a little run around SOMEBODY stopped in the middle and got stage fright and froze and refused to move. Mama J was so embarrassed she had to push Grace out of the ring hahahahahahahahah.
We got lots of enquiries about fostering and adopting so it was a good day despite my disgrace.
Here are some photo that Mama J took. She said to appologise about the quality of the photos she did not take her camera but Papa E's little point and shoot.

You are in my Power. Give me a biscuit


Me and My main man Murph

Trinny and entourage

Standing around waiting for the adoration to begin

Monday, August 3, 2009

I've been everywhere Man

Hello its your roving reporter "Grace the Greyt" reporting about her and Milly's recent galavantings. Since the muzzle free day walk Mama J has decided that it is about time we got onto the Greyhound Promotional Trail (minus Milly). I have been to 2 promos so far one at Chapel Hill

And the other promo was at Morningside (Mama J does'nt think she took any photos for that one).

On August 2nd Mama J and Papa E took me and Mills on a greyhound walk. Milly was a little bit titchy but on the whole she was quite a good girl Mama J was very impressed with her.

See I knew I could be good I just had to think about it real real hard.

Yay for Milly

Our walk was around UQ (University of Queensland) apparently smart people go there to learn things. I'm sure Milly and I could go there if we wanted to

On Saturday afternoon we went over to grandma Zena's new house and Uncle L's little dog Charlie was there Mama J nearly had a heart attack because Milly did not have her muzzle on.

Ah but wait for it

Milly was ever so nice to Charlie. she played really nice with him and did not snap or anything. Mind you where ever he went Milly went. Mama J was so happy.

The next big event I am going to is the EKKA. We will be near the dog pavillion with the Greyhound Adoption Program people on Monday the 10th August so if any of my loyal followers are attending the EKKA on that Monday pop down and say hello (*psst* can you sneak me one of those strawberry icecreams)