Hello everyone hope you all had a great weekend. I had the typical lazy weekend, sleeping, sleeping sleeping Mama J took me to the park on Saturday and as we were walking down the path I saw the biggest dog I have ever seen man did I want to play with him but Mama J said no he wasnt a dog he was something called a "horse" what ever they are. I am getting really good at jumping up on the box on command and walking up the ramp I still have a bit of a problem with the jumping fence but I am getting there and Mama J is happy. She said that I am going to doggy obdeience class at the end of July because she is not happy with me ignoring her all the time at the park but hey I am a DOG. I will leave you with some photos taken at the park. Look for the one were I am "sitting" man that is uncomfortable.
My name is Grace I am a retired Racing Greyhound. My owners wanted me to have a happy life after I finished racing so that put me with the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) My Racing name was Black Emma and my Kennel name use to be Rae but a couple of days after I was fostered my foster parents decided to adopt me and changed my name. I also live with my adoptive sister Milly
1 comment:
You are getting very clever at the park Grace. It's nice to see you up and about for a change!!
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