DangNabit. Someone has got to stop Mama J from humiliating me. She tried to use me as a dressmakers dummy yesterday she said she was trying to make me a pair of pajamas. Ha I fixed her little red wagon I refused to co-operate after about the 19th fitting. She gave up in the end then the wretched woman stuck a great whoppy feather hat and a feather boa around my neck this morning oh she thought it was hilarious she has also said something about pink sunglasses. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hello sorry I have not been around much last week but I am a busy busy dog with places to go and people to see. On Saturday Mama J took me to the beach WOW what an exciting time that was unfortunately she would not let me off my lead which was a bit of a bummer as I so wanted to play with the other dogs. But we did go for a walk along the beach and I even got wet alittle bit it was such a beautiful day I can't wait till we go back again. On the way home Mama J took me for a bath it was nice and warm and after my bath the lady even sprayed some doggy perfume on me hmmmmm Mama J said I smelled so lovely. I think Mama J has a bit of a problem because that is all she does is sniff me she says I smell soooo good and she keeps cuddling me. After we got home I could'nt wait till I could roll in the grass and would'nt you know it Mama J got out the damn camera again she has done nothing except take photos of me alllllll day. I must admit I don't blame her I AM a good looking dog BOL. Mama J has some photos she said I could put on my website so I hope you enjoy them.
Hello everyone hope you all had a great weekend. I had the typical lazy weekend, sleeping, sleeping sleeping Mama J took me to the park on Saturday and as we were walking down the path I saw the biggest dog I have ever seen man did I want to play with him but Mama J said no he wasnt a dog he was something called a "horse" what ever they are. I am getting really good at jumping up on the box on command and walking up the ramp I still have a bit of a problem with the jumping fence but I am getting there and Mama J is happy. She said that I am going to doggy obdeience class at the end of July because she is not happy with me ignoring her all the time at the park but hey I am a DOG. I will leave you with some photos taken at the park. Look for the one were I am "sitting" man that is uncomfortable.
As usual Mama J took me to the park and I made a new little friend. His name is Marly and he is a Brussels Griffin. We played really nicely together as long as Marly did not try and run away. The minute he moved I was onto him I even had him pinned under my paw at one stage I was wondering what was wriggling under my paw bol (bark out loud). Mama J has kindly let me put some photos up just so that people see that I really don't eat little dogs besides their bones get stuck in my teeth -bol god I crack me up. Have a good weekend and I will give you an update how the weekend went. bye for now xx Grace
Great news. Mama J found out yesterday that I am allowed to stay here. So Mama J, Papa E, and Big Bro A are going to be my "forever family" The whole family is soooo excited. Mama J said that because I have a new home I get to have a new name so they are going to call me "Grace" my old name "Rae" is actually in my new name as well how cool is that. Mama J got real excited this afternoon at the dog park. After all my friends had left she decided to try and see if I would do some tricks. I decided to give her a break and actually co-operate. so when she pat the box stand and said "up" I jumped up Mama J nearly fell over. she was patting me and hugging me anyone think I had won a race. Then we went over to the little jump fence and I jumped over Mama J just could'nt believe it. Wait till I show her my next trick. We went over to the ramp and I walked up it then along the top and then down the other side. It was embarrassing all the carry on Mama J did I am so glad none of my friends where then. Mama J said she was going to take the rotten camera next time damn I gotta hide that thing. Mama J made me a new coat tonight it is maroon and gold she said that I could wear it when Papa E was watching something called foot ball. anyway its time for bed I am just waiting for Mama J to take my blanket out of the clothes dryer. till next time xx "Grace"
Mama J and Papa E had to go to work again today but at least my pathetic looks of "please don't leave me out in the cold" worked because they put my bed in the garage with my toys and blankets. Another boring day spent by myself hehehehe I dragged Mama J's shoes outside that will teach her. They finally got home and Mama J was so excited it was'nt raining. I was thinking "who really wants to go to the dog park me or her" but hey a walk in the sunshine is a walk in the sunshine. so off we went. Instead of going straight to the dog park we went another way unfortunately it had a hill in. Mama J kept saying as we walked up the hill. "The exercise will do us good" "The exercise will do us good" HELLO if you had not already noticed I don't need the exercise so you can keep that little comment to yourself. I thought Mama J was going to have a heart attack she was puffing so much. I kept praying "please don't fall down" I really did not like the idea of dragging her carcass home and trying to explain to Papa E that it was'nt ME who killed her. We finally made it the Skate park where Big Bro A was jumping his bike. Thank goodness we did'nt stay to long it looked kind of boring. I had better things to do like sniffing bums. Mama J thinks its disgusting but hey each to their own. We got down to the park and Mama J let me of the lead WOOHOO I was into it then I spied the Beagle ooooh I wanna play with him. So I took off with Mama J's voice yelling "slow down" Ha that beagle did'nt see me coming and when he did I think my big lurching body scared the dickens out of him because he started running away then turning around and started snapping and growling at me. Let me tell you he was lucky I had my muzzle on otherwise it would of been "hasta la vista- beagle" I think his human did not appreciate my enthusiasm in wanting to play and she got a bit nasty with him and pushed me away. I saw Mama J's hackles go up I thought she was going to yell at the lady but Mama J controlled herself and led me away - stupid beagle-. I went and played with the doberman he was fast just like me so we decided to have a game of chase. Someone should tell dobermans they need to let someone know that they are going stop suddenly-stupid doberman I had 2 choices jump or collide. I did not like the idea of colliding so I had to jump over him. All the humans were laughing at me - stupid humans. Well that was it I had enough so I took myself off and layed down in the grass. Papa E came down and we stayed a while longer then we walked home. I could'nt wait to get some dinner and put my coat on it sure was getting cold. Anyway I think that is enough for tonight I am getting tired and I have to put this computer away before Mama J sees me on it. Till next time xx Rae
Mama J has gone to bed so I have quietly stolen her computer to give you an update. On Saturday Mama J had to go to work so I was left at home with Big Bro A. We did not do much as it was raining-how rude-When Mama J came home she kept asking me if I wanted to go for a walk. Are you kidding lady have you seen the weather outside ITS WET. Mama J kept saying "I see blue sky" well that was enough for her, at least she had the sense to put on my blue coat and off we went. I took the lead today and I headed straight to the dog park Mama J was real impressed that I knew where to go. Alas my doggy pals were'nt there I bet THEIR humans were smart enough to stay inside. Sometimes I think Mama J is not quite so smart hello its wet, cold what the heck are we doing out here. I guess she sensed my displeasure at being here so we headed home.
Friday, July 4, 2008
yippee today I got to play with my doggy pals down at the park. Mama J took me off my lead and let me run around. I made sure I was well behaved and I did'nt try and eat anyone. Although there was a little white furry dog that Mama J would'nt let me go near, I only wanted to play besides I was'nt hungry. It was a great afternoon and Mama J was very happy with my behaviour. Anyway I don't have much else to say except that I have settled in quite nicely here even Papa E loves me and wants me to stay. I will leave you some photos that Mama J took while we were down at the park and with Big Bro A xx Rae
Hi Rae here again with another exciting update on my life as a pet. Mama J took me to the park when she came home from work on Monday afternoon. There was only one other doggy mate there so Mama J said I could have a play with him as long as I was not too rough. It was fun till that annoying little puppy came into the big dog park. I just wanted to play with him but everytime we got into a tussle he would yelp the big wussy dog. Mama J was worried people would think I was hurting the little sooky dog so she took me up the other end of the park away from whingy whiney. But no he would'nt leave me alone. He was calling for me to come and play with him. I really wanted to play so without telling Mama J I took off down the other end of the park. I guess no one told Mama J how fast I actually was well hello I AM a greyhound for petesake anyway. I don't know who got the bigger fright Mama J or the little mutt when I stopped suddenly right in front of him well what did you expect YOU DID call me. Anyway Mama J caught up to me and decided that maybe I was too big to play with stupid mutt so she put me back on the lead and we went and said hello to some other dogs that had arrived. This was more like it bigger dogs that I could tussle with and they would'nt go whinging back to their owners. But I had worried Mama J too much and there where sooo many dogs in the park that she thought it might be better if I stayed on my lead. No fair everyone else could run around but I had to stay beside Mama J looking like the biggest loser with my lead and muzzle on. I just wanted to bury my head in shame thank goodness Mama J said it was time to go home. The next day Mama J and Papa E had the day off. When I woke up the next morning I was a little bit sore and had a bit of a limp. Mama J said that would teach me for taking off so fast. Must remember not to do that in future. Papa E went and got Big Sis FJ and we all went down to the park. I got my own back on Mama J. I thought I would teach her a lesson for not letting me play yesterday. I just sat on the grass and would'nt anything. It was quite funny seeing Mama J running around the park chasing the ball that I absolutely refused to play with. Mind you she was not too happy she kept giving me dirty looks but hey what can I tell you I'm precosious. Anyway it was a lazy day for me. I have to stop typing now my paws are starting to hurt. I think I will go and have another nap and wait for Mama J to get out of bed. See you next time XX Rae
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Gotta make this a quick post. Mama J is in the shower so I have snuck onto her computer. ok where was I oh yeah I am up to Monday. I was having a nice sleep as I do when Mama j came down to the kitchen and made me get up. I just gave her that look that said "you gotta be kidding" anyway she went into the bedroom and got this round thing from under the bed it looked like a futurisic doggy bed (Mama J said it was something called an "exercise trampoline" I hope she does'nt think I am going to be doing any early morning exercises. She then got my big blue blanket and put it in the clothes dryer I don't know why I did'nt wet it or anything. Then Mama J gave me this really sad look and said "sorry girl but I have to go to work" don't be sorry I thought I was real excited because that meant no one to try and make me play I could sleep allllllll day if I wanted to. Then Mama J took me outside but I did'nt need to go to the tiolet yet could'nt I just go back to bed. What she did next I could not believe SHE TOOK MY COAT OFF are you crazy lady its freezing out here. At least I found out why she put my blanket in the clothes dryer. Mama J got me onto the futuristic doggy bed and then put my blue blanket over me it was soooooooooo warm. I forgave Mama J for leaving me out in the cold. Mama J then went back inside and closed the door, I was already asleep by the time she backed the car out of the garage. Papa E came home for lunch I was so excited to smell him I mean see him again. we had lunch outside and I played with my toys for awhile. Papa E went back to work and I went back to bed. Oh gotta go the shower has just turned off gotta put this computer away before she finds out I was on it. I will continue later bye for now xx Rae
Finally Mama J (my foster mum) has set up a website for me. Hi my name is Rae and I am a 4 and a half year old greyhound. I use to be a racing greyhound and after I finished racing my owners put me in the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP). I am staying with a nice family while waiting for a new home. There are 3 people who live in my human house, Mama J, Papa E and Big Bro A. They are really really nice people and give me lots of cuddles. The most annoying thing they keep doing to me is trying to get me to play and all I want to do is sleep. Mama J keeps running after me with her camera when I get a chance I am going to find that camera and bury it. I arrived here on Friday night and I was really frightened I did not know where I was and who these people were. Mama J had made me a nice big bed and gave me my own blankets and toys. I like Big Bro A (he smells like dirt) and I really like Papa E (when he comes home from work he smells like a big juicy steak yum yum) Mama J made me a new pink coat that I get to wear at night instead of my boring old blue one . On Sunday afternoon weI went for a walk to the park. Mama J was a bit worried as she did not know what I would do when I met other dogs. Me, I was not really worried all I wanted to do was go back to bed. When we walked past the doggy play area some of the dogs started to bark at me I just ignored them. Mama J said they were just jealous because I had a pretty pink coat on. We walked past the duck pond and Papa E started to feed the ducks I was too busy looking around the park that I did not notice the ducks until Papa E got my attention WOW they looked really really nice I reallly wanted to go and play with them but Mama J nearly had a heart attack when I tried to squeeze through the railings she decided it was time for us to move on. On our way back home (finally) we walked past these 2 little annoying yapping dogs that kept barking at me. I'd had enough of being barked at so I told them how rude they where. Mama J nearly had another heart attack as she had not heard me bark yet. I felt really bad for scaring her. At last we got home and I could finally lay down. I had some dinner then curled up on my bed and went to sleep. I would love to continue telling my tales but Mama J is looking at me tapping her foot I think she wants her computer back, besides I think I might go to bed I will catch up with you tomorrow if Mama J lets me use the computer. anyway I will leave you with some photos that Mama J took. xx Rae
My name is Grace I am a retired Racing Greyhound. My owners wanted me to have a happy life after I finished racing so that put me with the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) My Racing name was Black Emma and my Kennel name use to be Rae but a couple of days after I was fostered my foster parents decided to adopt me and changed my name. I also live with my adoptive sister Milly