Wednesday, November 25, 2009
GAP Christmas Party 2009
Grace & Milly
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I HATE thunder storms
Aww shucks *blushing* Grace don't go soft on me but you are most welcome. I know how frightened you get in thunderstorms.

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Well we have just said good-bye to Frank "the skank" Hey I did'nt name him that the VET did BOL BOL.
Oh sorry Mama J *she's a bit upset at the moment and does'nt appreciate my canine sense of humour*.
Well I am going to miss him he was a good mate.
Yeah well he did'nt send YOU to the vets DID HE. Hehehehe nup YOU should'nt of got so possessive over your bone. Oh girls give me a break or else I am going to put both of YOU up for adoption and get Frank back.
Sorry Mama J,
Sorry Mama J. Anyway the "chairman" has left the building get it Frank as in Frank Sinatra BOL BOL. Seriously I hope you do have a great life with your new adoptive family Franky boy. We will all miss you yes even me. bye big fella

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Vets Vets Vets
Papa E decided to give the dogs a bone -this old man came rol- sorry about that could'nt help myself. Anyway Frank demolished his and as per usual decided to see if he could maybe help one of the girls. Now we have no witnesses to this but Papa E heard an almighty row going down but just put it down to one of the girls defending her bone. When I came home from work Frank and Milly greeted me but no Grace. I hardly saw her all night. Around about 8.30pm she was in the lounge room and she keep licking her lips like she was trying to get something out of her mouth I thought that she may of had something stuck so I stuck my fingers down her throat but nothing I was'nt till I was checking her mouth out that I discovered her 2 front teeth were sticking out in front. We think that in defence of her bone she bit down too hard and knocked her 2 front teeth out of alignment. My poor baby I felt so bad that I had not noticed this earlier I felt really guilty bad mama J bad Mama J. So first thing Friday morning off Frank and Grace go to the vets. Frank for his snip and Grace to get these 2 teeth sorted out. So an anxious day was had by me I picked my babies up at about 5pm it was like walking with 2 drunks. They are both fine today although I think Grace is still P**ssed off as she is not talking to anyone this morning. I hope her mood improves. So there you have it 2 dogs 2 anaesthetics and $200 poorer. till the girls catch up with you next time
Mama J
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Ipswich Greyhound Walk
Hi folks. Things here at Casa Greyhound have been topsy turvey for a few days. First Frank had to get his eyes seen to and then there was a slight drama with Millie's heartworm status but thank goodness everything is good. Except Mama J got cranky at Frank and Millie because they stole half her dinner when she walked away to get something. They pretended that they were asleep and when she got back half her dinner was done and then Frank jumped in her spot on the couch and looked like he was going to polish off the rest of her wine BOL BOL.
Oh Grace that was soooooooooo last week if you can't blog properly then maybe you should not blog at all
why you little upstart don't you be starting on me miss goody two shoes
Girls Girls Girls
Alright I will just update. IF that is ok with you MILLIE
Yes please do GRACE
There that's better
Ok well we went on our walk last week to Ipswich that was fun
but it was'nt fun when Mama J made us all have a bath on the way home.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Day trip to Bribie Island
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Emergency Foster

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Its Spring time

Monday, August 10, 2009
EKKA Promotion
Hey Grace hehehe tell them hehe haaahhhaaa what heeehhhhee you did in the arena hahahahah.
come on its your turn for disGRACE
No No NO
Okay I will tell them
Grace and some of the other greys got a chance to show off in the main arena at the dog pavillion while Kirsty was talking about the program and when the dogs where doing a little run around SOMEBODY stopped in the middle and got stage fright and froze and refused to move. Mama J was so embarrassed she had to push Grace out of the ring hahahahahahahahah.
We got lots of enquiries about fostering and adopting so it was a good day despite my disgrace. Here are some photo that Mama J took. She said to appologise about the quality of the photos she did not take her camera but Papa E's little point and shoot.
You are in my Power. Give me a biscuit
Monday, August 3, 2009
I've been everywhere Man

Monday, July 13, 2009
So behind in my post DOH
You are so not nice Grace. One day you will get yours mark my words you you you goody 2 shoes greyhound.
Oh Milly Milly Milly. You know I love you but you gotta admit you are hopeless with crowds.
Yeah well Mama J has fixed that has'nt she. She said she won't be taking me to any more greyhound promotions. I might as well pack up my food bowl and run away.
Now now Milly don' get your fur in a fluster. You know how upset Mama J is when she leaves you behind. You know she thinks your the greatest when it comes to hopping in the car and you always make her laugh when you stick you head out the window.
Really Grace
Yes really you big dope. I wish she would'nt take me sometimes as I hate getting in the car.
Thats right she was getting cranky with you at the walk because you would only walk away from the car park you refused to move if it looked like you were heading for the car *BOL BOL*
Yeah yeah alright.