Saturday, October 17, 2009

Vets Vets Vets

Hi folks its Mama J here. thought I had better enter this post as I was'nt going to allow Milly to have fun with it. Its been all excitement here recently. On Thursday night there seems to have been a bit of an altercation between Grace, Frank & a bone. Unfortunately Grace came off second best. If I try and reconstruct the series of events I believe it may go like this.

Papa E decided to give the dogs a bone -this old man came rol- sorry about that could'nt help myself. Anyway Frank demolished his and as per usual decided to see if he could maybe help one of the girls. Now we have no witnesses to this but Papa E heard an almighty row going down but just put it down to one of the girls defending her bone. When I came home from work Frank and Milly greeted me but no Grace. I hardly saw her all night. Around about 8.30pm she was in the lounge room and she keep licking her lips like she was trying to get something out of her mouth I thought that she may of had something stuck so I stuck my fingers down her throat but nothing I was'nt till I was checking her mouth out that I discovered her 2 front teeth were sticking out in front. We think that in defence of her bone she bit down too hard and knocked her 2 front teeth out of alignment. My poor baby I felt so bad that I had not noticed this earlier I felt really guilty bad mama J bad Mama J. So first thing Friday morning off Frank and Grace go to the vets. Frank for his snip and Grace to get these 2 teeth sorted out. So an anxious day was had by me I picked my babies up at about 5pm it was like walking with 2 drunks. They are both fine today although I think Grace is still P**ssed off as she is not talking to anyone this morning. I hope her mood improves. So there you have it 2 dogs 2 anaesthetics and $200 poorer. till the girls catch up with you next time

Mama J


Murphy said...

Poor Gracie, I hope she feels better soon.


PS, you'll have to tell me how you get those lovely side borders for your google blog!

Sandra said...

Oh poor baby.... Didn't Mama J teach you to share... you paid dearly for that little altercation.