Mama J and I went to the gold Coast Pet Expo on Sunday it was a fun day. Milly was really cranky with us because she wasn't allowed to go and had to stay home.
Yeah no fair I would of been good
Millllllllyyyyyyyyyy you know that you would not of been able to resist getting snippy with someone for looking at you the wrong way.
Anyway it was a good day except for one small hiccup. I realised at the Expo that I don't do stairs. I went up ok the first time but got stair fright on the way down. Mama J forgot that I have had no real stair training as there really has never been a need for it. So I put the brakes on when Mama J wanted to go back up the stupid things. so that ended our time at the indoor part of the expo. Oh gotta tell you about the poodle *BOL BOL* how embarrassing. I can't stop laughing so I will just show you the picture instead.
Mama J loved the photo of Smartie sitting on Leanne's lap she thought it was so good she made me sit on her lap tonight. It was'nt too bad and it made Mama J happy that I actually stayed there. Papa E threaten to squirt me for being on the couch but Mama J said techinically I was not on the couch but on her so he was not allowed to squirt me heheh nice one Mama J. Anyway thats about it for now. 2 more sleeps then our muzzle come off for good yay we are so excited about that so come around July 1 woo hoo

take care
Milly & Grace


1 comment:
It was good catching up with what you girls have been up to, always good for a laugh.
Thanks girls
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