Well the new comer has arrived his name is Popeye. I was very polite when we sniffed each other but when he turned his back I jumped on his bed and claimed it as mine heheheh.
Hey Grace I was sooooooo good when we went to get popeye I was real friendly and I wagged my tail and we sniffed like old friends Mama J was soooo proud of me then she took us both for a bath hehehehe Popeye peed on the floor hehehe Mama J did'nt take to kindly to that. Hey did you tell them what happened last night.
Ahhhh no Milly I did'nt lets not talk about that
ohhhhh so its different when you do something wrong but you can blab to everyone when I do something wrong
Oh alright you irritating pest. I sort of got into Mama J's paints last night and sort of painted the lounge room carpet orange in lots of places. Papa E was sooooo not impressed he kicked me outside and I had to sleep there. At least he got the paint out. Mama J was at work but she gave me cuddles when she came home. she tried to get me to come in side but I was'nt going the chance Papa E finding out that I had snuck back inside he was sooooo cranky and he did'nt speak very nicely to me.
heheheheheh about time you got into trouble
MILLY you are walking a fine line girlfriend and don't think just because we have visitors that Iwon't bite you
Just you try it Grace. Popeye will bite you back
Yo girlfriends don't be bringing me into your fights. I gotta be on me best behaviour if I want to stay for a while so youse to go and sort your own problems out I want to fly under the radar for a while.
Well Mr smarty pants if you want to stay here I suggest you stop peeing on everything. Mama J ain't going to take to kindly to you marking everything especially the spa.
Oh dear do you think she will get real upset and send me away. I gots no where else to go.
Well just ease up on the peeing leg cocker and you will be alright.
Hey Milly I think its time to introduce Popeye to the park
Yeahhhhh the park lets go Popeye
I'm behind you girlfriend
ok see you all later
xx Grace
xx Milly
xx Popeye
Me Popeye Milly

This is how we say "Howdy"