OWWWWW OWWWWW OWWWWW. It is so not fair. Here I was playing chasy with a black lab and this big poodle and I mean BIG (he was bigger than me) started to chase me and then bit me on my back leg. It hurt sooo much Mama J came frantically rushing over to me and nearly had a heart attack when she saw that I had a skin tear. WOW she knows how to give dirty looks. Mind you the tear was only small but it was right over my muscle. The horrible thing was that I had to walk home. The next day Papa E took me to the vets and they shaved a little bit of my back leg. Yeah great look that one. Mama J has to keep cleaning with salty water and I have to have antibiotics other than that I am going fine. Don't tell this to Archie but I think I miss the dumb mutt. I hope he is having a great time with his new owners. I will leave you with some photos from our last greyhound walk. Till next time
My name is Grace I am a retired Racing Greyhound. My owners wanted me to have a happy life after I finished racing so that put me with the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) My Racing name was Black Emma and my Kennel name use to be Rae but a couple of days after I was fostered my foster parents decided to adopt me and changed my name. I also live with my adoptive sister Milly
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