Well we have just said good-bye to Frank "the skank" Hey I did'nt name him that the VET did BOL BOL.
Oh sorry Mama J *she's a bit upset at the moment and does'nt appreciate my canine sense of humour*.
Well I am going to miss him he was a good mate.
Yeah well he did'nt send YOU to the vets DID HE. Hehehehe nup YOU should'nt of got so possessive over your bone. Oh girls give me a break or else I am going to put both of YOU up for adoption and get Frank back.
Sorry Mama J,
Sorry Mama J. Anyway the "chairman" has left the building get it Frank as in Frank Sinatra BOL BOL. Seriously I hope you do have a great life with your new adoptive family Franky boy. We will all miss you yes even me. bye big fella