Oh yes that reminds me. Remember when Mama J took us for a walk to Alexander Clark Park a couple of weeks ago. Yeessssss
And after our walk she talk us into the dog park and let us have a run around
What did you do after you ran yourself stupid and spied that nice cool puddle
Oh Grace you would'nt. Your not going to show them the picture are you
I sure am
Well don't forget to show them the one when YOU joined my heheheheOh alright. Boy Mama J was NOT happy about that and you and I had to go and have a bath. I think she took great delight in doing that because she knows we hate having baths.
Oh well thats the price you pay. But it sure was fun laying in that puddle.

Well that is about all we have to say at the moment. Oh Mama J says we have to send a big woofy hello to Aunty San*whispers- Aunty San told Mama J we had not been on our blog*. HELLO Aunty San HELLO Aunty San. and we are really really sorry we have been so slack.And we also have to say a BIG hello to Beth from the Radiology Department at PA Hospital. Aunty A says Beth is a big fan of ours and loves to read our blog.
Oh Grace don't forget to tell them about our adoption
Milly you can tell them
Oh ok. Well last Friday Grace and I officially became members of the family and I got my new green collar which means that when 1st July comes Grace and I (because we have now been adopted) don't have to wear our muzzles in public. That will be so wonderful. But I will have to work on my dog skills otherwise Mama J says I will still have to wear my muzzle. Well thats all I have to say
Thanks Milly well on behalf of Milly and myself -oh hold on whats that Mama J ok will do - Mama J said she wants us to put up some of our layouts she has done of us .