Well you can tell its christmas time. Mama J is dressing Milly and Me up in tinsel and santa hats. The other week Mama J and Papa E took Mills and me to the GAP christmas party there were lots and lots of Greys Milly even met her mum again. Mama J & Papa E had a good time seeing all the greys and hearing their stories but they were most proud when I came second in the best dressed dog competition. I won a squeaky toy which I play with at home. I got to see my mate Murphy and Jenny I did'nt see Blaize or Amiee. Sal was there with her new family. Here are some photos from the day
Milly and her mum

My Mate Murphy
The Winner is Grace by a nose
Milly looks pretty in Yellow

I am gorgeous in pink (Mama J photoshopped the lead out - pretty good huh)