You are so not nice Grace. One day you will get yours mark my words you you you goody 2 shoes greyhound.
Oh Milly Milly Milly. You know I love you but you gotta admit you are hopeless with crowds.
Yeah well Mama J has fixed that has'nt she. She said she won't be taking me to any more greyhound promotions. I might as well pack up my food bowl and run away.
Now now Milly don' get your fur in a fluster. You know how upset Mama J is when she leaves you behind. You know she thinks your the greatest when it comes to hopping in the car and you always make her laugh when you stick you head out the window.
Really Grace
Yes really you big dope. I wish she would'nt take me sometimes as I hate getting in the car.
Thats right she was getting cranky with you at the walk because you would only walk away from the car park you refused to move if it looked like you were heading for the car *BOL BOL*
Yeah yeah alright.