This is Jarmin and Milly together

"Mama J did not read her emails very well and we missed out on going on the greyhound walk. Mama J thought it was today so she had us all packed up in the car ready to go then she decided just to check she knew where we were going. The walk was YESTERDAY morning not Sunday morning. Here are some photos of the last walk we did in early October. This one was at Petrie.

Well I had better let Milly come on and say hello."
"MILLY, MILLY come here"
"Yep Grace"
"No no I don't want to shake your silly paw"
"Oh sorry Grace just habit"
"Come and say hello to Mama J's friends"
"Hello nice to meet you my name is Milly thats M I L L Y"
"Don't be daft Milly they know how to spell your name"
"oh right sorry about that just a little nervous meeting new people"
"Calm down Milly and tell them about yourself"
"Right tell them about myself let me see ummmm my name is Milly"
"Oh right sorry ummmmm I am four and a half years old, ummmm I never got to race and I love everybody. I so desparately want a "forever home" I don't like moving house to house umm thats about all I can tell them Grace can I please go back to my mat I feeling a little nervous there are alot of people out there what if they don't like me"
"Hey they will have to deal with me. Okay go on back to your mat"
(watching Milly go back to her mat)- (in a whisper) "Psssst no wonder Mama J calls her Silly Milly"
"Anyway thats about it for the moment I am going to see if I can sniff out some photos of some of Mama J's work"
"talk to you soon"

Grace & Milly