Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Party in the park

OK Mama J said we could get back on the computer but we are on probation so we have to be good for a whole month. Man that is going to kill me but I will try so here goes *through gritted teeth* Milly would you like to come and tell people about your party in the park.
Thanks Grace and I forgive you
YOU WHAT why you little....no no remain calm breath in breath out don't let the blonde get to you calm calm calm right then thank you Milly. Heheheh you are so not going to be able to do it grace BOL BOL
Milllllllyyyyyyyy I'm watching you
oops hehehehe sorry Mama J just fooling with Grace
Hi folks well I sure had a fantastic time down at the park on Sunday all my sorry our friends were there and Mama J made cupcakes and lolly bags and we ran around like dang fools Mama J said something about we were on a sugar high what ever that is but no matter we had fun. When we came home Mama J, Papa E and Grace sang Happy Birthday to me but I nearly burnt my nose on the candle so I was'nt to keen to go near the cake until the candle was gone. Anyway here are some photos from my birthday party.
Hey Milly guess what? Nana J and Great Aunt A are going to come and look after us for a couple of days while Mama J and Papa E and Aunty A go down south to see Grandad R and Nana J for Grandad R's birthday.
Oh cool Great Aunt A is sooooo nice she thinks we are the coolest oohhhh lots of cuddles and pats
Hey I wonder if we will be able to con more food out of them.
hehehehe if anyone can do it Grace its you. Anyway folks have a great week and we will talk to you soon
Mama J

MMMMMMMM cakeYes please I'll have anotherour friend Diesel

Sugar High Grace

Sugar High Milly Our friend Secoi (sorry not quite sure how to spell it)

Our Friend Munchie

Aunty Sherie, Diesel, Benson, Thomas, Duke & Secoi

getting ready for the trip home

On our way homeHappy Birthday to me

Chow down Grace I'd like mine in bed please


Sue said...

What a fab time you all had. It's my Song's birthday today, but too cold to go out for a party.

Sandra said...

Well I am so pleased you 2 behaved yourselves enough to go to the park for your party, what a great group of friends you have, you certainly did have a sugar high, bet you slept well that night.

AnnetteL said...

Happy Birthday Milly, looks like Mama J planned a great party for you.

Sandra said...

Thanks for popping over Grace, that was lovely of you, certainly gave me a little chuckle.