Last Sunday Mama J took me and Milly up to Nudgee beach for a greyhound walk. It was quite a scary afternoon as these big big black yukky clouds were coming in and the wind was blowing you could even say the wind could of "blown the dog off the chain" BOL. We walked out in the water for quite a while not quite sure if I liked that idea but I went anyway. This was Milly's first greyhound walk and she did really well. After we came back in Mama J and the other people sat and had a bit of a chat then we walked back to the car. It was a really scary ride home because the storm hit thank goodness the worst part was not near us the but I could tell Mama J was nervous as she was gripping that steering wheel real hard. Anyway we made it back home safe and sound. Here are some photo's Mama J took. See you next time xx Grace & Milly
My name is Grace I am a retired Racing Greyhound. My owners wanted me to have a happy life after I finished racing so that put me with the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) My Racing name was Black Emma and my Kennel name use to be Rae but a couple of days after I was fostered my foster parents decided to adopt me and changed my name. I also live with my adoptive sister Milly
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